2024 NTxBA
Hammerfest Forging Classes
** TWO Guest Instructors ** SIX Classes **
with with Master Blacksmiths ...
Bob Valentine and Gordon Williams
to be held at Gaby's Blacksmith Shop -
8680 Railroad Avenue, Frisco, TX 75034
November 6th, 7th, and 8th 2024
---------- Wesnesday, November 6th Classes -----------
EACH Class has space for 10 students
Bob Valentine colonial style meat fork
Students will be challenged with a three-tine fork, forged from ¼ x ¾ mild steel. The fork adds some different transitions and the added challenge of forging three tines on the end. And lastly filing to finish the fork
Gordon Williams wine vine with grape leaves
---------- Thursday, November 7th Classes -----------
EACH Class has space for 10 students
Bob Valentine colonial style spatula
students will get an introduction on the setup and transitions and forging technique for a simple spatula using ¼ x ¾ mild steel. The process will include upsetting the bar to get enough material for the spatula end and forging a structurally sound and graceful transition for the long-tapered handle, then transitioning to a delicate hooked end for hanging. Lastly, filing techniques to finely finishing your spatula
Gordon Williams Arrow w/ Feathers
---------- Fridayday, November 8th Classes -----------
EACH Class has space for 10 students
Bob Valentine colonial style Ladle
students will learn techniques for creating a liquid poring scoop with handle.
Gordon Williams Animal Hooks
Use the Buttons above to sign up for any one or all of the Guest Instructor Classes
Click Bob Valentine to learn more about him
Click Gordon Williams to learn more about him